What are some examples of spiders acting intelligently?

This is a Portia Schultzi, my namesake. That could point you to my last name.

And of course, with that famous name, she is one of the smartest spiders in the world, the Portia spiders.

She has a brain smaller than the head of a pin, with about only 600000 brain cells.

But she knows how to use it.

She has different hunting strategies and scientists say that she is so smart that she can estimate which strategy is better at the moment.

She lies down in the web of other spiders (she doesn't even spin her own) and hunts her victims from there.

She is supposed to "think" for quite a long time beforehand. Some spiders she wants to hunt, she attacks a few times and observes their reactions.

Then she imitates either the movements of a captured insect or a spider ready to mate.

This works great because web spiders , when they make prey, do not use their eyes so much, but react to tremors and trembling of the prey. The perfidious huntress takes advantage of this.

She observes at which of her movements the other spider comes closer, at which it retreats. She does this until the other spider comes all the way to her. Then it jumps at it and kills it.

Sometimes she also drops down on its victim from above.

She also hunts poisonous spiders that are larger than she is. She can do this because she recognizes their strengths and weaknesses.

The meanest enemy of the spider is a spider.

I am glad that it only occurs on other continents.

And that she does not hunt humans.

I just didn't want to use the pronoun "it" for this personality.


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